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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service 🛎️

Winning Hard with "Fast & Furious!"

You know, when it comes to the "Fast & Furious" franchise, it's either go big or go home. Their movies are always so top-notch, what with all the visual effects, modern technology, and high-speed drama. It's the kind of adrenaline-pumping entertainment that I and my friends live for!

If you can see my flat now! It honestly looks like a shrine to the franchise. I have all the DVDs, posters, and all sorts of "Fast & Furious" memorabilia. That's how devoted I am to these films. They give me hope, inspire me to be better, and toughens me up like no Red Bull ever can. It's almost intoxicating how exciting and riveting these movies are. And you know what? I don't mind spending my hard-earned cash to watch another ten movies of the franchise. I'm sure they're all more exciting than the next. 

More than just my collection, I'm also part of the franchise's online fan club. And just recently, I won hard in a contest for true fans of the movies. The rules were simple, all I had to do was answer fifty trivia questions about all the movies in the franchise. Some of them, a lot of other fans don't even know. But I do. I know just about every single thing about the films. And winning this contest proved that! 

I didn't just win a small prize for answering 90% or 80% of the questions correctly. I won the grand prize for getting 100% of the questions correctly. I got a perfect score! And my prize was better than ever. Not only did I get an iconic piece of the set from the original "The Fast and the Furious" film, but I had the choice to pick my favorite movie (our of the franchise) and get signed posters of it. Now, I have the 'Fast & Furious' movie posters with the cast's autographs on them! They're insane! 

I would have kept all of them but my wife and mom convinced me that two copies are enough. I had one framed and the other kept neatly in a roll-up in my closet. The others I share here for all you fellow '"Fast & Furious" fans!


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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