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Trusting My Elders' Taste in Music

You know, despite having grown up in different eras, I still trust that my parents' great taste in music. As well as my aunts' and uncles' tastes too. I remember attending their parties and loving the music that was being played. So much so I ended up preferring their music than that of my own today. 

I suppose this is common in many people as well. Some prefer The Beatles over One Direction. Some prefer The Rolling Stones over Maroon 5. Some prefer Whitney Houston to Rihanna. And so on and so forth. This isn't to say one band or artist is better than the other. Of course, tastes in music—as well as music altogether—change through time. But for me, I simply prefer the bands that my old folks enjoyed, particularly AC/DC.  

And you know what? My dad knew that too. In fact, he was proud we finally had something to bond over. In terms of our interests, my old man and I are worlds apart. He's more into sports, having run a sporting goods store in our town for over thirty years. He's into American football, basketball, baseball, practically any sport under the sun. While I, on the other hand, am more interested in technology. I plan to open my own tech company one day and become the next Steve Jobs. Or Bill Gates. Or even Elon Musk! 

Despite this, my dad and I have a shared love for AC/DC. He'd buy me CDs for my birthday when I was in my teens. And when I started working, I'd buy him merch such as AC/DC shirts and caps. But it was one gift that he gave me, on my 30th birthday, that I will never forget. It was his stack of signed posters of the band themselves. He had it signed when he was still young. He told me that he braved a huge crowd just to meet them and get them to sign his posters. Just the fact that he did that made me respect him more. 

Now, however, my dad is going through financial troubles. I told him I'd gladly help him pay off some of his debts but he's too proud to ask anything from me. So, in turn, we agreed that we'll sell some of these signed AC/DC posters online he can earn some much-needed cash. What do you guys say? Can you help an old and true AC/DC fan out? 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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