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The Church Got Me Kanye West's Autograph! 

Praise the Lord! Now the title isn't something I ever thought I'd say, but it's more or less true. I was never that religious a person (though I went to church every Sunday just like how my momma taught me), I've always been a hip hop fan. And even though his personality ain't the best, Kanye is King in this field! 

Living in D.C., I never thought I'd ever see Kanye in the flesh. But then he got into this religious roller coaster. Preaching in his tracks like there's no tomorrow. He started his new "Sunday Services" tour and lo and behold, D.C. was one of his stops! This was the first time (forgive me Lord!) that I ever got excited about going to Church. I put on my best Yeezy's, got a nice white shirt on, a Supreme bag across my body, and off I went. You'd think I was going to Fashion Week with my set-up, But no! Yah boi was going to church! 

Without fail, his service was lit! Lawd have mercy this guy can rap! It was the most fun I've ever had on a Sunday Service and I wanted more! It didn't help that he announced that day that he was about to release his album. But lucky me, I already got a poster of the cover wit me for him to sign. And thank God he did! For if not for Him, Yeezy would have acted all snobby and irritating like he always was. This time, I actually saw him break into a little smile. Oh look what God can do! 

Jesus truly is King and "Jesus Is King" is lit y'all! Kanye got me closer to God, how about dat!? 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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