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Five Interesting Facts You Might Not Know About "Goodfellas"

Martin Scorcese's "Goodfellas" is a beloved classic people can't help but keep watching again and again. And why not? It's a thrilling gangster flick, based on a true story, that had some of the finest cinematic performances of all time. It's also a thrilling film that keeps you on the edge of your seat at every scene. Each little detail was so refined in its overall finish that it's no surprise people still love it to this day. 

However, there are just as many interesting things about the film as there are in the film. Here are five facts you might know about "Goodfellas." 

Real-Life Mobsters Appeared in the Film

Yep, Martin Scorcese did that!! The acclaimed director actually put real-life mobsters in the film. Though their roles probably weren't that important, to think that some of those extras playing out what they did in real-life are actually thrilling. They probably were thinking that when the actors were killing people or beating each other up, that they could do better. Ultimately, they gave out fake Social Security numbers to Warner Bros. Studios to ensure their own safety. Now that's a gangster! 

Michael Imperioli actually Cut his Hand while Filming

A famous scene in the film is when Joe Pesci's 'Tommy' shoots Michael Imperioli's 'Spider' after the latter told him to "go f**k yourself!" Audiences them see Spider hit the bar full of classes behind him before dropping to the floor in a pool of his own blood. Only some of that blood was possibly real, as Imperioli actually cut himself when filming that scene. His injury was so bad that they had to stop filming that day to let him recover. 


Both of Martin Scorcese's Parents Appear in the Movie

It's a well-known trivia fact that Martin Scorcese's mom played Tommy DeVito's mother in the movie. But did you know that the director's father also appeared in the film too? In the scene where DeVito gets shot in the head, Charles Scorcese actually plays the gangster behind Pesci in the scene. The old guy with the glasses who watches his fellow gangster shoot someone in the head? Yep, that charming albeit creepily stoic fellow was the father of one of the greatest directors of all time! 

The Real Tommy was Actually Taller than Joe Pesci

Most of the characters in this film were based on real-life mobsters. According to the real Henry Hill, the real 'Tommy DeVito,' or Thomas DeSimone, was actually taller than Joe Pesci. He was a massively built man with a 6'2" height. So different from the actor who played him who was only 5'3" tall. However, Hill also said that Peci's portrayal of him was 99.99% accurate. From how he got mad to the way he killed people. What about the remaining 0.01%? The height difference! 

Edward Mcdonald Plays Himself

Towards the end of the film. Henry Hill talks to a lawyer about getting into the Witness Protection Program as his way out of the life of crime. It seems like one of the more unremarkable scenes in the film, right? Sort of. What might make you remember this scene a lot more is the fact that that lawyer, named Edward McDonald, played himself in the movie! Yes, the actual lawyer who helped protect the real Henry Hill was in the movie! Talk about sticking to the facts! 

The next time you watch “Goodfellas,” you now know a lot more about it than before! Enjoy this classic piece of cinematic history. 




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