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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters.

Chilling with A Crooner

There comes a time in every person's life when he/she meets his/her idol. When I got that moment, it was nothing like I've ever felt before! And who's my idol, you may ask? He's none other than Michael Buble! 

I saw him when I went to his "Crazy Love" tour. My sister was lucky enough to have won tickets to his concert in our area through a radio show game. When I  found out I could meet Michael Buble in person, I was ecstatic! I've always wanted to meet the man. Not only because of his amazing talent, but also because he always seemed like a really nice guy. The type that you'd love to have a beer with. Even though he’s become a big star, that's the humble vibe he's always put out. 

And so we went to his concert. Man, this guy can sing! He sang his butt off on that stage! Every song he had on his set list, which was a mix of his own original releases and a bunch of classics, he executed beautifully! His range, timbre, and everything about his voice was so amazing, I was left speechless right after the concert. But then we got the chance to meet him, so I had to gather myself together and attempt to talk to the man. 

Fortunately, I was able to. And just as I suspected, he really was just a good guy with an amazing voice. He wasn't a diva, was kind to all his fans, and took selfies with everyone. After carrying a whole show by himself, you'd think he'd be tired. But he wasn't. He was full of energy and were we. What was even funny was I asked him to sign a few posters, but then he gave some that he already signed as well. 

Now, I’ve given my collection to this platform. Some I got signed myself, while others he already signed and gave to me. I hope these fill you with as much happiness as it did me! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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