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Catching Me Breathless With Horror

Anyone who tells you that the horror movie genre is dead is either afraid or a snob. There are still a lot of great thrillers out there, none that rely solely on jumpscares and cheap gimmicks. Case in point—the 2016 movie, "Don't Breathe." It certainly got me feeling breathless, that's for sure! 


Even before I watched it, just by the trailers alone, I knew I'd like it! I love thrillers where there are no ghosts or paranormal shit involved. Where you get to see the worst side of humanity and the glorious gore that comes with it! And when I finally watched it in theaters, I wasn't disappointed! This movie was in the same vein as a lot of late 20th-century classics like "Scream," a bit of "The Blair Witch Project," and "I Know What You Did Last Summer." Damn! They don't make 'em like they used to! 


Before I watched the movie, I had the privilege of actually seeing the cast members up close in real life. My friend invited me to the red carpet premiere for the film because she scored tickets through a relative. Knowing that I'm as much an autograph hound as I am a horror flick fan, I decided to join her and get some autographs myself. Luckily, her relative also got her some movie posters and we decided that those are what we'll use to get their autographs. Who knew they'd turn out to be quite the priceless memorabilia? 


The first cast member we saw was Jane Levy. She looked so beautiful in a black dress and even more mature in person than she did in the movie. I personally like her in "Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist." I think she even got nominated for an Emmy or Golden Globe for that, right? Anyway, Levy is as sweet as she looks. She had no qualms about signing our posters. In fact, she seemed more than happy to. She just got our pen and started writing and did not stop until she got 'em all. She's so amazing! 


My friend, who's also a massive "13 Reasons Why" fan, was obsessed with Dylan Minnette! He's the main reason she got so excited to go to this premiere even though I knew she hated horror. When he was right in front of us, she got so flustered that it was almost embarrassing. I had to step in and ask him for his autographs. He was pretty nice about it though! He even took a selfie with her too. I'm not a huge fan of his Netflix series but I did enjoy his performance in this movie so I became a fan that night too! 


However, if you were to ask me who gave the best performance in the film, that'd be Stephen Lang, without a doubt! The guy scared the shit outta me throughout the entire film. He was Mike Myers, Jack Torrance, the Fisherman, and Jason all rolled into one. And you believed he was blind too! From his mannerisms to his expressions, he was the epitome of a human horror monster that movies nowadays lack! It was an honor to have gotten his autograph that night too! 


Eventually, we got the rest of the cast to sign our posters too! How could we not? "Don't Breathe" was the best horror flick I've seen in years! Getting all of their autographs were important to me! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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