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Who Knew My Sister's Friend Would Become The Icon that She Is Now?

Siblings are good for something after all. I'm sure if you're born in a big family like I was, there'd be times you wished you were an only child. Believe me, I've had those moments even more than I could count. But I had to admit, sometimes, they can be very handy! 

My sister Monica was very handy in helping me get an icon's autograph. And considering this icon has now passed, having my sis get them was truly amazing! You see, Monica was friends with very eccentric but talented people. She herself is a great writer and has released a few novels that are absolutely amazing. And because of her devotion to art, she has crossed paths with some of the best artists the world has ever seen. 

One of them was the late great Amy Winehouse. My sister got to know her before she was famous. She often went to London to hang out with friends who moved there and take part in the art scene. Through her many connections, she met Winehouse when she was just starting out. I even remember my sister telling me about her, and that I'd love her music (which I do) and that she'll be big. Well, Monica must have been a psychic cause all of what she said came true! 

Having been a fan since she became ultra-famous, I was sure Winehouse would do any favor my sister asked her. And, at the time, since my sister owed me for a favor I did for her, I thought I'd bring it to full circle. And so, gathering up my pride, I asked my sister if she could get Amy Winehouse to sign my multiple posters of her when she went to London again. At first, she was weirded out. She couldn't understand why I had many copies of the same poster of Amy Winehouse, but when I told her it was to earn money, she agreed to go it. Of course, only on the condition that she got a bit of commission as well. 

What could I do but just agree? And it was a good thing I did because when she came back from the UK, I was astonished to see the singer signed each and every poster. When she passed away suddenly, we took one of them, framed it up, and it still hangs in our parents' house to this day. She has one herself, while I had one of my own but it was stolen when my place was burgled one time. 

The rest are now all here. I do hope many of you buy a copy or two! I still owe my sister! And what's not to love about getting a signed poster of one of the best artists the 21st century ever gave us. A modern tragic icon if there ever was one! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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