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Trailing A Few Hollywood Legends

Instead of just sharing with you the story of how I got the autographs of some of the most well-respected actors in Hollywood, This post is more of an overview of the fact that you'll need distance, patience, and respect while hounding for autographs during this pandemic. Having gotten a few copies of the poster for the movie "The Comeback Trail," I trailed across Hollywood to get them. 


Mind you, the celebrities I visited were legends. Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, Tommy Lee Jones, and the like! They're all Hollywood royalty. I was even lucky that they entertained me in the first place. Perhaps it's because they've been stuck at home like the rest of us? In any case, I never forgot to always wear my mask. I even wore gloves just to be safe. A lot of these actors are old after all which, according to the stats, are the most at risk of dying from Covid-19. Though I had a clear goal in mind, I never forget to be considerate of the health risks I may be exposing them to by visiting them. 


I honestly didn't expect I'd get most of them to sign my posters. There I was, this weirdo visiting celebrities' homes during a global pandemic, risking my health and theirs just to get their autographs. I'm surprised they even let their staff accommodate me at all. But thanks to a couple of Hollywood connections, I was still able to get my foot through the door, relatively speaking. Unfortunately, however, I never really met them in-person. Long-story-short, it was mostly a series of talking to assistants, agents, managers, and the like, them taking my posters and giving them to the actors to sign, my waiting for my posters, and eventually getting them with their autographs. 


It was all the animosity that made me miss red carpet events so much. Even if I didn't always get their autographs back then, at least I was still able to see them in-person. As much as I love autographs, there's no replacing seeing them in the flesh! Though, because of Covid-19, I understood what they were hesitant to meet a stranger they never met. I'm still grateful for their autographs though. It really meant a lot to me that, despite entertaining a weird fan's whims, they were still generous and accommodated me. 


Out of all the actors in the cast of the movie, I did get to meet Zach Braff though. I was given a tip that he'd often go to a semi-secluded spot in LA every once and a while. I went there myself, posters-in-hand, and got him to sign them. That time, not only did I have my mask and gloves on, I also wore a face-shield just in case. I may have looked like a geek or a weirdo to him, but I didn't care. I wanted him to know that I respected him enough to take all the necessary precautionary measures to ensure his health was safe. I think he even appreciated that, hence, he instantly signed my posters without even hesitating. 


This pandemic sure is making it tough for everybody, isn't it? Both celebrities and us normal folks alike. I'm hoping it'll end soon so that we can get back to normal. For me, that means meeting celebrities in Hollywood to get their autographs! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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