Who doesn't love period pieces? Suckers! That's who! Period pieces are some of the best films and TV series ever made. They peek into a world that's forgone, but also a reminder that past mistakes, whether fictional or true, are relevant in any day and age. Through the years, TV has perfected their approach to period pieces. Some are even regarded as the best shows ever, praised for their cinematic efforts and riveting storytelling.
Among those worth checking out are these fine shows. However, these ones are set in eras from the Middle Ages to World War II. Any other show set later is no longer included.
Game Of Thrones
It'd be a travesty not to include this crown jewel of a series. Despite the mixed reactions of the later seasons, many critics and fans still regard "Game Of Thrones" as the finest show ever produced for TV. And why not? It's full of interesting characters, unbelievable plot twists, momentous violence, and a game so complicated and severe, in the end, no one really won it (cue the fans arguing otherwise!). Though it's not a period piece in the sense that it takes loads of liberties in terms of costumes, sets, and cultures presented, it does take its cues mostly from the Middle Ages.
Ever wondered what the legendary Vikings were like in their heyday? Well, "Vikings" sheds light on that part of world history. And if you think it's just a bunch of long-haired Scandanavians being all violent and loud, think again. The stories this series presents are a lot more complicated than that. At times, they could even compare to the complexities of "Game Of Thrones" as well. As sinister as the Middle Ages in England and Scotland, the Viking Age of in Scandinavia was just as suspenseful. Blood, gold, and sex defined this violent aged, presented to intricately on this History Channel series.

Though technically this isn't that much of a period piece as its a sci-fi drama thriller, most of the events in the show happen within the Wild Wild West-like world, so it can pass. The series itself is as cinematic as you'd expect from HBO, who fashioned a new sort of Western piece that mostly stuck to the original tropes but also gave it some modern kicks of their won. Evan Rachel Wood as Dolores and Thandie Newton as Maeve are both standouts as female robots trapped in a world they don't seem to understand.
Band of Brothers
One of the series that started it all. Before the likes of Game Of Thrones and Westworld came onto home screens, "Band of Brothers" was the revolutionary period piece that set the standard. It was, for the first time, a peek into the cinematic possibilities of TV. But most of all, it was a riveting series that highlighted the struggles of men during one of the most devastating periods in human history: World War II. The series portrayed the lives lost and altered by a fight none of them wanted but had to fight it themselves.

Ever wanted to escape today’s troubling times? These shows are the perfect time machines to get into!