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There's No One Like The Original Batman

Sure, getting George Clooney's, or Christian Bale's, or Ben Affleck's autographs are great. But have you ever gotten the original? The actor that started this whole superhero movie madness all those decades ago? The first-ever actor to don the black mask and ride the Batmobile on screen? I have! 

Yes, I got Adam West's autograph. The original Batman from the 1960s TV series. I met him where people usually meet their heroes, Comic-Con. The year was 2011. West attended the annual event as part of the cast of Family Guy. Even in old age, he was still entertaining people on TV. What a legend! 

Anyways, meeting him was one of the only few times I could sufficiently say I was starstruck. Even though I meet some of the biggest stars in Comic-con year after year, there's just something about those legends from a different era that's sort of breathtaking. I and my friend met up with him during a fan meet-and-greet in the convention. With his velvety voice and his classic good looks, he could still play Bruce Wayne. Or perhaps, Alfred! 

He signed every poster my friend and I brought. And we brought a lot! He even chuckled a little saying it was impossible that we had all those posters from a TV series that had long gone. But I assured him that people still love it, and like myself, still watch it from time to time. 

And so that’s my story. It may not be as exciting as other people’s on this site, but the mere fact that I got that legend to sign my poster is worth telling all of you! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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