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The Not-So-Little Women of "Little Women"

Greta Gerwig does it again! In her latest movie, "Little Women," she cast some new and exciting female powerhouses as her leads in film that has been made countless times. But trust this revolutionary director to take a women's story and turn it on its head and mold it perfect for modern audiences! 

I'm just so in awe of Gerwig's devotion to empowering women through films. As a young woman myself, I'm glad I'm finally getting the representation I need and deserve. And with four wonderful women on offer, how can it possibly go wrong? Spoiler alert, it didn't! I've watched the movie myself and I must say, it's the best adaptation of "Little Women" I've ever seen. It's real, raw, and respects the material for what it is and doesn't romanticize it even further. It's a film perfect for the women of today and pays reverence to the women of yesteryear. 

Of course, despite Gerwig's incredible vision and creativity, "Little Women" wouldn't be the success that it is had it not for her wonderful cast. Saoirse Ronan, Florence Pugh, Emma Watson, and Eliza Scanlen were all amazing as the March sisters. And they're incredible human beings too! I had the pleasure of meeting them when they went on their press junket for the film. 

I currently work for a small media company in New York that, among other things, tackle entertainment as well. We had the privilege of interviewing these four talented women on how they prepared for their roles and what the movie means to women today. To no one's surprise, they were all eloquent, sincere, and inspiring. I had such a blast listening to them.

Inspired by their awesomeness, I pushed myself out of my comfort zone and asked them to sign my posters of "Little Women." Knowing they'd be our guests for that day, I brought my posters to work hoping I'd get their autographs on them. but nerves got the best of me and I decided not to do it. But then, listening to them talk about the value of women, sticking together, and what they want the film to mean to the young women of today, I got the courage to ask them for their autographs anyways.

Risking my job, I quietly came on set and, while taking off their microphones, asked if they could sign my posters. they said yes! Smiling brightly, they all gave their autographs on my posters and Soarise even hugged me! I also wanted to hug Emma, but by the time she finished signing my posters, she was whisked away to exit the building. But I didn't care. I still got her autograph, which was more than enough already! 

If you're a huge fan of fine cinema and a young woman such as myself, don't miss "Little Women!" If you missed it in the theaters, wait for the DVD or when you can legally download the movie. I swear! The story you once breezed through in high school was given new life by these incredible actresses! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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