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Surviving a Fourth “Ice Age”

For me, a film franchise should only go so far. It's never a good idea to stretch out a story so long, people start to get bored with it. I can name a few franchises that this can apply to, for sure! However, there are some that stretch their stories just right and ended it the right way. One such is the "Ice Age" franchise. 

The "Ice Age" franchise has a quiet quality to it that helped it succeed with relative longevity. It's not that every installment was a movie event in of itself, but that every film was a great piece of an even better story. I have to say, I think I enjoyed the fourth movie, "Ice Age 4: Continental Drift" the most. 

While the story itself was alright, the cast behind the characters was simply mindblowing! A bunch of people you'd never thought will work in any singular project at all. Yet they did! And I got their autographs! 

Who would have thought that Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Denis Leary, and Peter Dinklage will ever work with the likes of Queen Latifah, Jennifer Lopez, and Nicki Minaj? Yep, these are the people featured in the cast of this "Ice Age Installment. A-list Hollywood meets pop and hip hop royalty! It's only a shame the movie wasn't a musical! But it's got a rockin' soundtrack though! 

Anyways, I meet all these icons on the red carpet with my team and they all signed our copies of the movie's poster. So the cast wasn't just mega-talented, they were super friendly and accommodating too! An A++ in my book! 

Whatever age you are, I'd recommend seeing this film. If not for the beautiful story, then especially for its star-studded cast! For an animated movie to get all these celebrities still blows my mind! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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