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Starring in A Madonna Video is Very Fun!

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story below:


As an aspiring actor, I have to admit, the small jobs you get are sometimes better than the big ones. Like, if you get to be an extra in a diva's music video, it's going to be more fun and better for your career than starring in a sitcom pilot that was never really going to happen. 

And if you're gay like me, starring as an extra in a music video is 1000% better! More so if you get to dance! At least, that's what I did when yours truly was one of the extras (and back-up dancer, thank you very much!) in a Madonna music video. Yass queen! I starred in one of Madge's music video! But now, it wasn't one in the 80s and 90s when she was doing all of her iconic stuff. It was more in the mid-2000s, around the time she kept making out with Britney Spears. 

Anyhoo, there I was, looking sexy in a wifebeater and tight pair of black jeans. Semi-sweating (music video sets are hot af! The spotlight was hella huge! But it was Madge so what did I expect, right? Lol) I was dancing, practically grinding up on this girl while Madonna was singing her song just a few steps away from me. And I remember this because, a few more steps away from here, there was this cute guy who kept making eye contact with me and I honestly wished I was grinding him instead of that random chick (Sorry, Becky! Ain't in your team!). 

The shoot lasted for the whole day, but I swear, it was fun and fabulous. Madge was truly a queen then and was so nice to all of us extras. And after it was all over, she was extra nice to us gay guys. You see, I sneaked in some of my friends as more extras because the video needed a lot of dancers. We all planned to ask the 'Material Girl' to sign our "Truth or Dare" posters. So, when the director finally yelled it was a wrap, we waited a few minutes and went in for the kill. 

I distinctly remember that she was on her chair, wiping off her glow and sipping what was probably warm tea or sparkling water. The makeup people were starting to remove her makeup when she stopped them and told them to wait until they get to her dressing room. And when they all went away, I approached her, told her how big fans we were and asked for her autograph. At first, she looked me up and down, probably throwing maximum amounts of shade with just her eyes and I was living for it. But after a few silent seconds, she said "f*ck it! Sure!" and signed all of our copies! 

I swear that was the best day of my career, and I've already starred in a few popular commercials, mind you! But there's nothing like kicking it with the Queen of Pop! 

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