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How I Found Out "Angel Has Fallen" Starred Many Icons

I've been autograph-hounding for years now but there's only been one time when I was genuinely surprised. My younger friends dragged me to the premiere of "Angel Has Fallen." They know I love going to those sorts of things because of my hobby. 

But I don't go to all movie premieres just asking for anyone's autograph. I have standards. And while I am a fan of Gerard Butler, I thought his name wasn't enough to get me to watch another action film where he saves another head-of-state. 

But damn! Thank God I still went (and thank God my friends got copies of the movie's poster for the stars to sign). Little did I know, this film's cast had its fair share of Hollywood icons! Jada Pinkett Smith? Nick Nolte? Morgan Freeman? Yes, yes, and hell yes! Now these are actors I really respect, as well as Butler, of course. From what would have been a lazy day watching Netflix, I put on one of my best suits and went to the premiere. 

Jada Pinket-Smith stood out to me instantly. Does that woman have charisma or what!? She just oozes an appeal that's not only sexy, but also kinda intimidating as well. But beyond that fierce exterior is a heart of gold that always signs my posters. Nick Nolte, on the other hand, is still a gentleman. Sure, he doesn't have leading man looks anymore, but his acting is still as stellar as ever. And out of all of the main cast, he had the best chemistry with Butler. Speaking of Gerard Butler, I think he's the male equivalence of Jada Pinkett-Smith when it comes to that sexy and intimidating appeal.

As for Morgan Freeman, just hearing his voice is always enough. Thankfully, when he approached me, I recorded our tiny conversation in my phone. And of course, he also signed out posters. 

For an unexpected night of autograph-hounding, it was a great premiere! It always helps when the celebrities you're working hard to notice you to get them to sign your posters are icons in the industry. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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