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My Bass Is No Match For Meghan Trainor's!

There have been a number of body-positive role models that I've looked up to growing up. Queen Latifah is one, Tyra Banks is another, and, to a certain extent, Meryl Streep! In terms of singers, however, no one comes close to Meghan Trainor. Her hit single, "All About That Bass" always cheers me up whenever someone calls me fat! 

When I saw her in concert one time, I knew I picked the right girl to stan! Performing up there on that stage, she was inspiring to watch! She was unapologetically herself, incredibly talented, and a gracious celebrity too. When she'd talk to us in-between performances, it was as if she was there to serve us. And boy did she ever! She served us face, body, and talent! that's what she served that night! 

I was there with my friend Phoebe and we both just squealed all night long. And danced, laughed, and had a great time. It's actually through Meghan Trainor's fan club that Phoebe and I met. It's always nice to meet someone, especially when she lives near you, who shares in your love for an artist. We became best friends not long after and we both agree that seeing Meghan Trainor live was the best night of our lives. 

Of course, as president of the Meghan Trainor Fanclub in our town, Phoebe had some perks. She got me and a couple of other lucky fans backstage passes to meet Meghan herself. And so right after the concert, after about three hours of dancing and attempting to sing as well as her, I pulled myself together and met her. Ugh! She was so pretty then. No, she wasn't sweating, but rather glowed in her own unique way. It was amazing. 

She was incredibly generous too. I asked her to sign a few posters I had of her and she signed each one. I was just floored when she did it. I was lucky enough to have had just one sign (which I honestly expected), but for her to sign all of them almost got me into tears. It was amazing. And not only that, she signed everything! Anything that my fellow fans gave ehr to sign, she wrote on it. So amazing! 

That night is definitely up on my list as one of the best ever. I think only my future wedding and the birth of my children will top it. But thinking about it now, I'm not entirely sure they will either! Lol! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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