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Meeting The Coolest Group I've Ever Seen!

To this day, I haven't seen a group as cool as the Black Eyed Peas. I just found them so unique, modern, and fun. It was also the first time I've seen a multi-racial group made up of different genders. Sure, Fergie was the only girl there, but the fact that she was a frontwoman in many ways was so cool to me! 

I'll never forget the day I met them. It was during their first tour. They had just broken into the scene and immediately, ther were stars. It just goes to show how fast a group can rise to fame when they have a unique concept going for them. They had a stop in my town and I saved up a lot of my allowance and salary from my part-time job to buy a ticket. Little did I know my parents already bought me and my best friend tickets to the show as a prize for our hard work. With a few extra bucks in my pocket, I decided to buy some posters for me, my friend, and a few extras in case we lose them during the concert. 

The concert, to no one's surprise, was so lit! Each member stole the limelight and it was actual music greatness that I witnessed in that arena. Will.i.am was great. Fergie was great. Apl.de.ap was great. Taboo was great. They were all great! I was so in awe of them that my jaw dropped the entire time. I even slightly remember getting locked-jaw the next day. 

After the concert, they held a surprise meet-and-greet just in the corner of the stadium. It was pandemonium seeing all the people flock that area right after the concert. Fortunately, we hadn't left at that time yet, so we too rushed to get to meet them. After waiting in line, we finally did! It was the first time I've ever felt starstruck. Those superstars that I was just so in awe of performing on stage were actually right in front of me. I let my best friend do all the talking cause I was speechless. She asked for their autographs and they signed all of our posters. With that good deed, I got even more starstruck! 

It's a shame they're no longer together. But if they were ever to reunite—all four original members—I swear, I'll be the first one buying the album, at the concert, and everything. And this time, I won't miss my chance to talk to them! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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