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Making the Most Out of My Meeting with Metallica

What can you do when you're meeting with legends? What do you say? What do you do? What do you bring up? I was once in this predicament, and in the end, I got some signed posters from one of the best bands in music history. That's right, that was just my luck! 

If you're wondering who this band is, well, they're none other than Metallica. At the time, the iconic band planned on releasing new merchandise to celebrate an upcoming special anniversary. I was part of the people who made the merch. I interviewed them for a special book that chronicled their decades-old prolific career. And it was a rattling interview, to say the least! I knew what I needed to ask them. I even listed them down in my notebook. But meeting them for the first time, I was a mess trying to think of ways to calm down. 

But I am a professional. I've interviewed high profile people and groups before. I knew I could compose myself and so I did. During the interview, as I learned more about the band, my love for them grew and grew. I'm not entirely sure what my expression was when we were talking, but on the inside, I had the biggest grin, I was crying, and I was screaming all at the same time. Metallica has been through a lot, and it was only when I found out what they went through did I respect them even more. 

After the interview, I wanted them to sign my favorite CD of theirs but I was too nervous. I also thought it might not have seemed professional doing. How would it have looked if, right after the interview, I approach them like an overzealous fan to ask for their autographs? I'm guessing it would have looked quite pathetic. Apologies to some of you who did just that with other celebrities. This is just my opinion. 

Anyways, a few days after the interview, I was invited to go to Metallica's photoshoot for the visuals of the special anniversary merchandise we were working on. On that day, I was completely adamant to really get their autographs. I figured it had been a good few days since our interview. And, hoping they'd still remember me, I think I won't look too eager if I approach them. But little did I know, after the photo shoot, they had a surprise for me. Well, not just me, but for the entire crew. 

As gratitude for all our hard work, the band gave us each a few copies of their poster that they all signed themselves. Finally, I got their autographs, and they were on fine posters as well. However, I still wanted them to sign my CD. So, not caring about what they might think of me, I approached their area and asked them to sign my CD. Fortunately, they remembered me, so they didn't get mad when I approached them. And even better, they signed my CD! I was on cloud nine then! 

It took a lot of courage to do, but I finally got Metallica's autographs. Even better, they gave me posters also with their photographs as well. One is enough for me, so now, I'm sharing the rest to fellow Metallica fans around the world! Rock hard by brothers and sisters! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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