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Going on Geek Overdrive For The Final Star Wars Movie

When you're about to watch the final episode of your favorite sci-fi film saga, you can't help but geek out. But when you meet the stars of the said film saga on the red carpet, hold onto your hat cause you're about to go geek overdrive. Admittedly, that's what I did on the red carpet premiere of Star Wars Episode IX: The Rise of Skywalker! 

This film franchise has meant so much to me growing up. It was how I bonded with my late father, who was also a Star Wars geek. I inherited it from him, actually! The films also reawakened my sexuality, from seeing Princess Leia in a space-age bikini in Episode V to Natalie Portman looking like an absolute princess in the prequels. Heck, I'm such a fan of Star Wars that I even like the prequels! Only true fans appreciate them! 

Still, the fact that I was going to meet the stars of the new stars Wars film still overwhelmed me. And when they started coming out one by one, I couldn't control my geekiness anymore. For one thing. I actually teared up seeing Mark Hamill in person. He's my hero, not just because he's Luke frickin' Skywalker himself, but also because he's an all-around nice guy! And fortunately for me, he said he's used to grown men crying over him. As was Adam Driver too, though he, being the awkward guy he is in real life, doesn't know how to handle it all yet. 

When I met Oscar Isaac, I actually asked him how difficult it was to navigate the Millenium Falcon. Even though I know in my gut that everything about the film was fake and CGI and that he never really drove the thing in the first place, that question still came out of my mouth. But kudos to Isaac for being such a good guy and answering my question without embarrassing me. As for Daisey Ridley, well, my geekiness reached its peak when I could hardly spit out the words I wanted to say. I was just so in awe of her beauty that I just stared at her. 

Despite all of that, most of the cast members, and George Lucas himself, signed my posters. I will miss this incredible bunch. I’m sure the Star Wars film franchise will still continue. But watching them without these guys wouldn’t be the same! May the force be with all of them! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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