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Getting To Know the Fast & Furious Crew!

For a cast that has been on many films together, surely audiences would like to get to know more about what happens behind-the-scenes. I'm sure I would. That's why I became an entertainment journalist. It's like being a gossip columnist, only less annoying and more official-like. And at least, the celebs don't hate me. 

It's meeting these celebs and getting to know them a bit more are the major perks of my job. These idols that, for millions of others, they only get to see through the big, small, and their phone screens. While I've actually gotten to see and talk them up close and personal. To this day, one of my most memorable assignments was talking to the cast of "Fast and Furious 6." Paul Walker was still alive then—I believe this was one of his last films in the franchise. But also, there was Vin Deisel, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Gal Gadot, and more. 

What probably makes me remember interviewing them about their sixth movie together was how energetic they still were about the franchise. For years now, they've been taking on the same roles over and over again. And it's not like they're working on a TV series. I would have thought that, by the third or fourth movie, they'd be ready to quit. But no! When I talked to them about "Fast and Furious 6," it was as if they just did their first movie together. 

It was honestly inspiring listening to them speak about their characters and how enthusiastic they still sounded. I was particularly impressed by Walker, Deisel, and Brewster, seeing as they've been in the franchise since the very first movie back in 2001. Listening to them speak so eloquently about their characters—talk about how they've grown and what they're excited about in this new film—told me that they approach this with a lot of heart. 

Anyways, I was so inspired by interviewing them that I asked for their autographs. Some of the crew of the film were kind enough to give me some copies of the movie's poster. It was sort of like a goodie bag for the journalists during the cast's press junket. Feeling as if I've gotten to know them on a more personal level, I got the courage to ask for their autographs. And you know what? They signed all of my posters. It was quite a moment in my career. I felt as if, having listened to them talk about the movie on an almost personal level, I acted like a cathartic medium for them. Or perhaps, I'm looking too much into it. 

I eventually watched the sixth film and it was just as good as they said. I also watched the succeeding films, especially the seventh one out of, as you might all know, sentimental reasons for Pual Walker. Despite all the action and machismo that goes on in these "Fast & Furious" films, I know they all got a lot of heart! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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