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Ethan Hawke Gets Better With Age! 

In all my years as an autograph-hound, there are probably only three types of celebrities in Hollywood. There are those that get old, like us, of which I won't name names. There are those that never change despite decades in the industry, like Will Smith and Paul Rudd, and then there are those who get better with age. Such a man is Ethan Hawke! 

After all this time, this man is still as sexy to me as the first time I ever saw his boyband good looks in "Before Sunrise." And now, he's just gotten hotter in my book! He was actually the one that got me into autograph-hounding in the first place. I wanted to meet him so bad in the 90s that I went to every red carpet premiere he went to. At times, it wasn't even his movie that he attended. And so this went on for almost thirty years until I finally got his autograph this year, in 2019! 

In Logan Marshal-Green's "Adopt A Highway," Hawke plays an ex-convict who discovers an abandoned baby in a dumpster. He then proceeds to take care of it, falling in love with the baby and tries to adopt her. It's your standard feel-good movie amplified by his stunning performance. And so I just had to get his autograph for the movie poster. I bought myself a ticket to the SXSW Film Festival where it was to premiere and tried to meet the cast. Sufficient to say, my mission was accomplished! 

Finally, after decades of pining over him, I finally got to meet my all-time movie star crush. He was simply as sexy as ever. As the kids would say, he's a "zaddy" now! He thanked me for coming and when I asked him to sign my posters, he happily obliged. What a gentleman. The rest of the cast and the director all signed my posters too, but really, those are just for you guys. I only really cared about Ethan Hawke! 

You may ask, "what is the moral of my story?" Well, it's all about patience and perseverance! Never stop doing what you want to do, and even though you won't get what you're working for now, it doesn't mean you'll never get it in the future.


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above. 

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