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Ariana Grande Deserves Her Own Show!

I know Ariana Grande has starred in TV shows before, but that's not what I meant. Sure, we know she can act—well, I hope she's gotten better than her "Nickelodeon"-type acting—but I mean having her own talk show and the like. You know? Kinda like Kelly Clarkson's or Queen Latifah's before. 

Essentially, I just want Ariana Grande to have an excuse to perform on TV every day. In Kelly Clarkson's talk show on NBC, she not only performs her own songs, but she also sings loads of covers of other songs too. Please, for any of you TV execs who might be reading this now, give Ariana Grande the same platform for us younger people. It will be much appreciated! You wouldn't get another singer as talented as her for it! And let me tell you, I know first-hand that this girl can sing! And when I say sing, I mean sing!

I once watched her live during a taping of a popular morning show here in New York. And she sounded amazing! Like, I honestly haven't seen anyone like her. She had so much control over her voice, her timber, and all that! It was nothing like I've ever seen before! Well, I do admit I haven't seen that many people in my young life, but still! She set the bar extremely high for me in terms of artists performing live. 

After her performance, I and my friend waited for her during her mini meet-and-greet at the stage door. We had posters of her "Sweetener" album and we wanted her to sign them. Honestly, we were scared she might not want to sign anything after literal singer her heart and lung out on stage moments before. But, we tried our luck. And you know what? Thankfully we did cause when she finally got out to meet us, she signed each one of our posters! Yep, she did that! 

It was then when I realized that, instead of just singing as a guest performer of the morning show, she should be the host of the damn thing! She was nice and friendly to us, and with her amazing talent, well, that's the perfect recipe for a great talk show, isn't it? TV networks, I hope y'all are reading this! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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