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Getting Red for "Red Notice" 

There's just something about movie stars that make you blush. Maybe it's their fame? Their beauty? Their star quality? Whatever it is, I want it, lol! I've been hounding for autographs since I was a teenager and every time I get red seeing them in person. And when I met the cast of "Red Notice," I looked like a frickin' tomato! 

Having been in the game for a couple of decades now, I've gotten free access to many movie premieres. The most recent one was for "Red Notice." It's a hilarious action/comedy film starring Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, Gal Gadot, and Ryan Reynolds. Talk about Hollywood heavyweights, am I right? I mean, seeing them through the screen is already a whopper, what more when they're standing right in front of you? Thank God I'm a seasoned veteran in the game when I attended this event. If I was still a youngster like back in the day, I doubt I would've gotten the balls to ask for their autographs. 

I say this especially with Dwayne Johnson. The guy's effing huge! He's a mountain of a man! I even feel like he's gotten bigger since his wrestling days. And though his stature was enough, his star quality is through the roof. The way he smiles, poses for the camera, interacts with the press—the guy's a bonafide celebrity. It's no wonder he's the top-paid Hollywood actor of this generation. When I asked for his autograph, he did it with ease. It was like he was born to have people fawn all over him. He wasn't and didn't seem arrogant, but he did have other-worldly confidence I could never relate to. 

It was sort of the same with Gal Gadot too. This woman was red-hot and it wasn't just because of her sparkly red dress. She oozed sex appeal just by standing there. She had a presence that will draw you in and a captivating voice to match. It's no wonder they picked her to be Wonder Woman. The actress was wonderful in any way. I was the most nervous asking for her autograph but with her smile, I immediately felt at ease. But I probably looked so red, I matched the carpet... lol! 

Out of the movie's main trio, I was most comfortable with Ryan Reynolds. You've seen him on talk shows, social media, and the like right? He seems like a laid-back guy, right? Well, he's really like that in person. He was funny yet charismatic. His looks and build gave him the chance to be the superstar Hollywood leading man to follow after Gable, Redford, and Eastwood, but thank God he chose his personality to shine through. I feel like he's the most approachable Hollywood star who still has a six-pack. Very interesting guy! 

Anyway, despite blushing all night long, the red carpet premiere of "Red Notice" was a lot of fun! I got my autographs, I met these incredible stars, and enjoyed the movie afterward. These are just a few of the perks of being an autograph hound! 

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