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Face-to-Face with a Young Han Solo

I am what you might call a rare breed: a female Star Wars fan. Yes gents, we of the fairer sex also have a keen interest in the "galaxy far far away," the Skywalker family tree, and share in the hate of Jar Jar Binks. And while you have had Princess Leia, Padme Amidala, and Rey, we have Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, and yes, Kylo Ren. But personally, for me, I had the hots for young Han Solo—Alden Ehrenreich.
I will never forget when he signed my posters of "SOLO: A Star Wars Story." I swear I've never had a more out-of-body experience than seeing those baby blues in person. I was at the premiere of the movie. My and a some girlfriends had collected movie posters from a local theater and went all the way to Hollywood to get the cast to sign them. It was pandemonium! Us fans were screaming, the photographers were shouting—it was great! 

But then, I saw him. Young Han Solo himself. He looked extremely dashing in his bluish-gray three-piece suit. Other fans were freaking out over Emilia Clarke and Donald Glover. Admittedly, I was too. But I was most excited about Alden Ehrenreich. Han Solo had always been my favorite and I've long wished that we'd get an origin movie out of him. Thank God the Star Wars filmmakers heeded fans' calls and gave us one. And Ehrenreich, physically, was just perfect for the role. When I saw him in person that afternoon, I felt he was Han Solo himself. 

And unlike Harrison Ford, who can be a bit aloof at times, Ehrenreich was a complete gentleman. He looked at me with his crystal blue eyes and, I swear, I feel like I melted right then and there. And it wasn't from the LA heat neither! He gladly signed my posters, as well as my friends', and went off to meet other fans. It was your standard fan meeting during a red carpet premiere, but that day, I fell in love! (Half-kidding, of course!). 

And so that was my face-to-face meeting with young Han Solo. If only I cosplayed as Princess Leia like other fans, girls AND boys, did. Maybe I would have gotten a kiss too! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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