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Underrated Stars from the Underrated Animated Film, "Frankenweenie" 

"Frankenweenie" is an outrageously underrated film. It's an adorable take on a literary classic and it's loads of fun. Even I personally feel that Frankenweenie is a cute dog, both when he was dead and undead. And also, I consider the film as one of Tim Burton's finest animated ventures. 

I attended a special screening of the movie before it was released to the public. Then, Tim Burton and the cast held a small forum right after the movie. And to my surprise, I saw that the cast had a few underrated stars in it as well. Catherine O'Hara, Martin Short, and Winona Ryder all are gems Hollywood hasn't fully appreciated yet. I'm glad Ryder got a lot of love from her recent Netflix show, "Stranger Things," but for the former two legends, they should receive as much, if not more love for their work. Both are comedic geniuses if you ask me! 

Anyways, I felt lucky that I paid attention to this film. Firstly, it's a Tim Burton film and I worship the guy. Secondly, the cast is amazing. And third, the film was a heartwarming masterpiece. I also felt inspired by how the cast and crew talked about it after the screening. They all really seemed to have liked working on the project and it was as if they were as proud of the film as Burton was. 

After the forum was through, I went over to my friend, who worked on the film, and he gave me a couple of copies of the movie's poster. He knew I collected these sorts of things and he gave me a few because it's been so long since last we met. Seeing that the stars held a mini meet-and-greet with the fans who attended the screening, I went over and asked for their autographs. To my surprise, they all signed my posters. Each and every one. Now I know these people truly did deserve more love than they were getting! 

It was an awesome day of film and Hollywood for me. It's been a good few years now since "Frankenweenie" premiered. I hope more and more kids are finding out about it! I know mine will when he grows up! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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