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A Star-Studded Tribe If There Ever Was One

I'm beginning to be impressed with animated movies nowadays. Not that I was never before, I mean, an animated film, I would think, required more work than a live-action movie. However, these days, the casts are getting my attention. Suddenly, some of the biggest names in Hollywood are lending their voices to such films. 

Back in the olden days—circa 1990s' Disney Renaissance—they'd get virtually unknown actors to voice out the characters. Now, even Oscar winners are getting into the mix. I was pleasantly impressed with "The Croods," the movie about a family of cavemen. With the likes of Cloris Leachman, Nicholas Cage, Emma Stone, Ryan Reynolds, in the cast, it's a star-studded tribe! I've never seen an animated film assemble such a group of stars before that. I was really amazed that, firstly, they agreed to do it. And secondly, how it must have cost to get these A-listers! 

With such big names, I knew I had to go to the red carpet premiere and get their signatures. I was especially excited for Cloris Leachman, the comedic TV legend. My mom was a fan of hers and when she introduced her work to me, I became a solid follower as well. I'm glad that, even at her age, she's still going! 

So there we were: me, my friend Patty, and little sisters Emmy and Gianna. I brought along multiple posters, handed some to each of them, and assigned them to get their posters signed at all costs! I even instructed Emmy and Gianna, who were just about 6 or 7 at the time, to act all cutesy to get the stars' attention. And before any of you out there accuses me of child labor, they were more than happy to do it for me! Lol! 

In no time, the stars descended unto the red carpet and we were getting autographs left and right. Suddenly, Ryan Reynolds was writing on my poster. And when I looked to the left, I saw Emma stone signing Patty's. Emmy and Gianna were able to capture Nicholas Cage's attention too. 

But my most memorable moment was getting Cloris Leachman to sign my posters. She first approached my little sister Gianna, telling her how cute she was. When the icon asked who she was with, Gianna pointed to me. And then, the most amazing thing happened! She told me, "Oh wow, you're a good sister!" I almost fainted when I heard her compliment! But fortunately, I didn't because I was still able to get her autograph! 

All in all, we got most of the star-studded cast to sign our posters. And the movie was amazing too, Emmy and Gianna really liked it. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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