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Trolling on The Red Carpet

I've always thought that the ugliest toys to have ever existed were the Trolls dolls. The original ones! Thank God they made them a little bit cuter nowadays but when I was growing up, they were scarier than Chucky! I only just changed my mind about them when I watched the movie which starred a few of my fave celebs! 


A film featuring Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick, Zooey Deschanel, and James Corden? Yes, please! I didn't really care about the toy franchise and its story but I did want to watch the movie because of these amazing stars. Fortunately, I have very young nieces and nephews so taking them to the movies would be the perfect excuse to watch it. Ultimately, I went even further when I won a few tickets to the red carpet premiere of the movie! It came with a few movie posters and I decided that I'd have the cast sign them! 


To say that red carpet premieres are busy is an understatement. I was so overwhelmed at how noisy and rowdy it was. I mean, the place was full of screaming children too so maybe that's the reason? I don't know. I was lucky that my own nieces and nephews were not as loud as the other children around us. They even helped me get our posters signed! They were that cute! 


I'll never forget how Anna Kendrick gushed at how adorable my five-year-old niece looked that night. She was the first celebrity to approach us and sign our posters. While some parents dressed their toddlers up in Trolls costumes, my baby was in a pretty pink dress and stood out enough to catch a celebrity's attention. And when Kendrick was right in front of us, I swear my seven-year-old nephew's eyes were sparkling like mad, it was clear that it was love at first sight! It was so cute! And thanks to the kids' cuteness, Kendrick signed most of our posters. Score! 


James Corden and Justin Timberlake followed soon after. The same way my nephew's eyes were sparkling at Anna Kendrick? Mine did for JT! He was my ultimate crush back in the early 2000s, my middle school years. And though he looks so different from before, the swagger and the smile are still all the same! Be still my beating heart! My nephew had to scream at me to get myself together! I must have looked creepy just staring at him as he signed out posters. Luckily for me, he was kind enough to not make me feel uncomfortable. Even though I was sure I made him feel that way! 


Corden, on the other hand, was just so jolly! Both kids liked him a lot as he really seemed like a good guy. He talked to my nephew—who practically laughed at his face for his "funny" British accent (Lord, help me!)—and gushed at how cute my little niece looked. As for me, when I asked for his autograph, he was pretty generous with it. He signed all of our posters! 


We got the other members of the cast to sign our posters too but these three really stood out to me the most. It was really sweet how much they loved my nieces and nephews. In turn, they also loved the film! They still watch it from time to time! I, on the other hand, wasn't a big fan of the movie but I still treasure the signed posters we got! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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