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A Lovely Time Under The Midnight Sun

I don't care if you question my taste but I love romance movies. The cheesier, the better! Look, I'm one who watches movies to escape my terribly mundane life. And since I'm not exactly that experienced in the love department, I go for movies that make me feel all tingly inside. One of my recent favorites was "Midnight Sun." 


Starring two beautiful actors, Bella Thorne and Patrick Schwarzenegger, it was as mushy as you'd expect it to be. And wouldn't have had it any other way. From the trailers alone, I already knew I was going to like it. So I thought to myself: "Why not see the movie when it premieres?" Or even better: "Why not go get a ticket to the red carpet premiere and see the actors in person?" When I decided to do the latter, I got in touch with an old friend of mine who's a solid Bella Thorne fan. Not only did he get me tickets to the LA premiere (since he lives there), he also got a few copies of the movie poster and planned to get them signed. 


It was my first time going to such a glamorous Hollywood event. It was as loud and exciting as you see it on TV. The stars were also incredibly good-looking in real life too! Like damn! Does Hollywood have some sort of magic elixir or something that helps make everyone a 10? I know Bella Thorne is an absolute 11, personally! Now I know why my friend is such a huge fan of hers. When she met with fans and we asked for her autograph, I saw her face up close and nearly went bananas! She looked like a doll! Patrick Schwarzenegger is one lucky guy to get to make out with her on screen! 


Speaking of Patrick Schwarzenegger, he also looked incredible. I never would have thought that Arnold Schwarzenegger's son would look like a real-life Ken doll but dang! He got the good genes! He really should thank his mom for that (no offense Arnie!)! Anyways, since he is a handsome guy who was brought up in a privileged home, I thought he'd be a major douche, but to my shock, he wasn't. He was even pretty generous with his autograph. He signed almost everything in sight! 


We eventually got some of the rest of sign our posters too but the two leads really stood out to me. They were like this golden couple with how gorgeous they were! I'm hoping to see them again soon in another red carpet event! God willing we'll get the world back to normal, that is! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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