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Venturing into Uncharted Territories! 

As a proud autograph hound, I've always chased after the celebrities myself. I didn't care if I looked ridiculous. I didn't care if they grew to hate me. Their autographs on my notepad, movie posters and other memorabilia are the symbols of my hard work. And I couldn't be more proud! 

That's why I hate the pandemic! Because of Covid-19, I didn't have any opportunity to chase after celebrities anymore. Hollywood went on without me and it crushed my soul. I honestly thought I'd never get to continue my autograph-hounding days again until 2022 came! The movie "Uncharted," stars many of my favorites like Mark Whalberg, Tom Holland, Antonio Banderas, and more. I just had to get their autographs but, as luck would have it, the premiere took place in New York City. 

You probably think I gave up and let it go, right? Wrong! By that time, Hollywood was holding red carpet events again. However, because my mom, who lived with me during the pandemic, got sick at the time (not Covid though, thank God!), I had to take care of her. It gutted me that there are so many movie premieres I missed because of it but since I love my mom more than anyone else, that was easy to let go. 

Not this one, though! Around the time of its premiere, my mom had already recovered and moved in with my sister and her family in San Francisco. This means I had all the time in the world to go to New York, get my autographs, and come back. And so I did! 

I've actually never been to the Big Apple before so this visit was my first time venturing into "Uncharted" (get it? LOL) territory. I thought since both LA and New York are both big cities, but damn! They couldn't be any more different. They're like night and day, literally! Los Angeles is the best during the day and New York is more exciting at night. But let's put that aside for now. This is all about my getting autographs, remember?

Well, to be honest, it's not much of a story, really. I went to the premiere, met the cast, got them to sign my movie posters, and went back to my hotel. Though it sounds pretty mundane by the way I put it, that night was more worthwhile for me, personally. Don't get me wrong, I love meeting some of my favorite actors, but I felt more excited about feeling the rush of these kinds of events again. It's been a long two years since the pandemic first began. Getting to attend that premiere night, I felt like my old life was revived. It was so invigorating! 

Unfortunately, the "Uncharted" cast wasn't complete that night. One of my faves, Antonio Banderas, wasn't there. I had to make do with incomplete autographs on my movie posters after I went back to LA. But as luck would have it, I eventually met someone who has a cousin who works for the actor. I told him that I'd be willing to pay him if I could get Antonio Banderas's autograph, no matter how much! And so, after agreeing on a final price, they agreed. 

I have to admit, the price was pretty steep. High enough for you guys to call me a fool for spending that much. But after a few weeks, when I got the posters back complete with Antonio Banderas's autograph, I consider every single cent to be worth it! This is what I love, after all. 

Thanks to my venturing into uncharted territories, I was able to get some of my favorite actors' autographs in person. It was the best thing to happen to me post-pandemic!



Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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