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 The Awesome Bodies of "Baywatch" 

If there's one movie that you'd expect would have a hot cast, it's the remake for "Baywatch." And damn, are they attractive! How do I know? I actually met them in person during their press junket for the movie. It was an amazing moment for my career and passion as a movie fan! 


I worked as an assistant for a media company back in the day and one of my regular tasks was to aid in interviewing celebrities promoting their movie, shows, and whatnot. I got the job with the help of my best friend who, like me, is a huge film buff too! Naturally, we were there to get close to the stars and, if they'd allow, get their autographs too. Needless to say, not all of our conquests were successful. But for the cast of the 2017 movie remake of "Baywatch," it was! 


That day, we interviewed the four leads of the movie: Dwayne Johnson, Zac Efron, Kelly Rohrbach, and Alexandra Daddario. When I saw them up close and personal, I quickly understood why they were cast. Everyone knows that Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson and Zac Efron already have great bodies. A huge part of their careers bank on them! But I wasn't familiar with Kelly Rohrbach and Alexandra Daddario yet at the time. Upon seeing how fit they were, I instantly knew they'd be able to hold a candle to these popular beefcakes! 


I'm also so glad that all of them were kind enough to give their autographs. I have to admit after the interviews were done, I and my best friend were hesitant to go at it. Most especially Dwayne Johnson. I didn't want to annoy a former pro-wrestler! Who knows what he could have done to me had I pushed him over the edge that day? By that time, the cast was already well into their press junket. I'm sure they were exhausted and tired of having to answer the same questions again and again. 


With that said, the fact that they didn't show any sign of annoyance or irritation showed just how professional they are. Even the women who I thought were neophytes in the industry. So when we did ask them to sign our posters, they happily obliged us. We were ecstatic! Johnson was all smiles and was even nice enough to have a selfie with my friend afterward. Efron, on the other hand, asked to use my pen. Since that day, I’ve never touched it, put it in a glass case, and has become a huge part of my movie memorabilia collection (even though it technically isn't!) And Daddario and Rohrbach were more than excited to give their autographs. 


Remembering how energetic they were that day, it really dawned on me just how fit the "Baywatch" 2017 cast was! They really did their roles and the franchise justice. Good for them! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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