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My Day with Maroon 5

Working as an assistant in production does have its perks. I get to learn a lot about how shows run, especially live shows. I get to learn from some of the best professionals in the industry. And last but not the least, I get to meet a lot of celebrities. 

My favorite celebrity meeting was with Maroon 5. They were the musical guests for a talk show I worked on. I not only helped them prepare for their performance, I also got them to sign posters of them. And even cooler was that, in a way, I got the chance to boss them around. As deputy to the production director, there were some orders I had to give them (from the top man) and that they had to follow. Not gonna lie, it was pretty cool! 

Fortunately, the performance went off without a hitch. The production director was happy, the host of the talk show was happy, the band was happy, and I was happy. For one glorious moment, I got to tell this famous band, with members girls will chase after, what to do. 

I felt like a God then, but when reality struck me about who these guys really are, I went back to feeling ordinary. After their performance, they exited the stage door of the studio to a packed crowd of screaming girls. It was a sight to behold, seeing them get chased around by everyone! 

Seeing that phenomenon in person, I felt grateful that I wasn't as famous as those guys. Still, getting their autographs and bossing them around a bit was pretty neat! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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