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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters.

Dev Patel Is Such A Great Actor 

Ever since "Slumdog Millionaire," I've been a huge admirer of Mr. Dev Patel. As a brown man myself, I feel great knowing that I'm being represented by a man of such great talent. And that talent shone even brighter in his latest film, "Hotel Mumbai." He was simply glorious in it, so I just had to get his autograph on the movie poster. 

I met him when he was filming his upcoming Amazon series, "Modern Love," which happened to be set in my city. Having heard of the news, I jumped at the opportunity to get my posters signed. I honestly acted like a stalker, observing his every move until I got the chance to get him alone or, at least, not surrounded by security. But God, I saw him act in a scene for the show, and this time I was watching in real life, and he was more amazing! I'm not sure if he does theater, but he really should if he's not. I got goosebumps seeing my idol work his craft right in front of me. 

Fortunately, there was a small window where he did meet with some fans who gathered on the set. And it was then when I finally got to meet him. I told him how great he was in the movie and if it was okay if he's signing my posters. I'll never forget how his eyes widened seeing how many posters I really had with me. But you know what? He still signed each and every one. That's just how great of a guy he is. 

I'm not sure how much attention "Hotel Mumbai" will get come awards season. But if the world was fair, Dev Patel will win an Academy Award for it! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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