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Catching Up with The Flash

Sure, the title might seem corny, but honestly, that's what I practically did when I tried to get the Grant Gustin's autograph. Sure, I wanted the entire cast's autographs too, but I prioritized the lead's more than everybody else's. I mean, it's his show! Of course, I'd focus more on getting his autograph the most. 

It was during the San Diego Comic-Con. I and a couple of friends of mine were there to do one thing: hound for autographs. Since I was the biggest fan of the series. "The Flash" on The CW, getting that cast's autographs were one of my main priorities. Especially Grant Gustin's. However, he was so in-demand at the time, I barely got to catch up with him. 

He'd be doing press interviews on one part of the venue, and even though I waited for him, he'd suddenly rush to the other side. Even during press conferences, when I tried to catch him during the meet-and-greets later on, there'd be too many fans for me to reach him. It came to a point when I've actually given up on ever meeting him. 

But then, my buddy Jared saw him and the rest of the cast casually walking around San Diego. That time, I mustered up the courage to ask for their autographs. Initially, I didn't want to because that might have been their leisure time. But then, remembering all the times I missed them, I went for it. Fortunately, they were all in a good mood; enough to give me their autographs on my copies of the series poster. 

So eventually, I caught up with "The Flash." It was one of the best parts of my Comic-Con visit that year! I'll definitely go every year now! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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