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A Ten Year Mission: Getting The "Batman Returns" Cast's Autographs

If you think autograph hounding is simply about going to red carpet premieres, think again. It's not always that easy. I've been doing it for a couple of decades now and some of the biggest stars will keep you waiting for years! Most of the time, it's all about a matter of luck! 

For instance, it took me ten whole years to get the autographs of the main cast of "Batman Returns". First, it was Michael Keaton, Bruce Wayne himself. He became such a huge star in the 80s and 90s that no one could get near him. Heck, I doubt his own family could have as well! But luckily for me, one day he had a meet-and-greet with fans along Hollywood boulevard. Having just gotten multiple copies of the movie's poster, I brought them all up for him to sign. When I got there, the line was massive! Practically the entire city must have gone out to see him! I think I waited in line for about five hours just to see him. Though I may be exaggerating, it was really that long. Anyways, I met him, he was cool, and he signed all my copies!

Michelle Pfeiffer, on the other hand, was probably the most enigmatic of them all. Very much like her 'Catwoman' character, she was a mysterious figure in my life. I never can seem to be in the same place at the same time as her. I'd always be too late or in the wrong place. Or, if I would attend her red carpet premieres, she'd ignore me. But then, "Hairspray" came in 2006 and I got lucky. When I saw her on the red carpet premiere of the movie musical, I shouted her name as loud as I can and finally got her attention. She was sweet and friendly, even laughed at the fact that out of all the things I would have brought for her to sign, I chose Batman movie posters. But she signed them anyways and that's that. 

Now, for Danny DeVito, it's just my own stupidity. I've actually met him a couple of times, to the point that he might even recognize me the next time we're in the same place. But every time I get a chance to meet him, I always forget the posters! It's either that or it's only by chance and I don't have the copies with me. After a decade or so of meeting him and not having him signed the posters, I finally remembered to bring them when I went to the San Diego Comic-Con. He was there to talk about his hit show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia." But when he finally signed all my posters, I felt like a huge weight was taken off my shoulders. Finally, my mission was complete! 

And so the moral of this story is to always be patient… and NEVER forget your posters! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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