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The Best "Band of Brothers" In Movie History!

Tom Hanks, Damian Lewis, Michael Fassbender, and Ron Livingston. These are just some of the amazing actors who starred in "Band of Brothers," the iconic HBO mini-series from 2001. In my opinion, it was the show that pioneered the cinematic, big screen-worthy shows that we have now! 


I was a huge fan of the show so when I got the chance to go to a special "Band of Brothers" reunion a couple of years back., I freaked out! Actually, that event was really more of a reunion of the actual real-life soldiers that the series was based on. It was only that many of the actors were invited and came as a show of respect. Since my friend is related to one of the real-life "brothers," he got me a ticket to attend the reunion. The whole day was breathtaking, not only because I saw the stars, but because the story of the actual "Band of Brothers" was really astounding! 


However, I have to admit that I was there for another agenda: to get some autographs. Since there are so many actors who starred in this show, many of whom have become big stars in their own rights, I didn't think such a reunion was ever possible. But now, it is! Damian Lewis, Rick Gomez, James Madio, Scott Grimes, and Frank John Hughes were just some of the actors I met there. I brought along a few copies of the movie poster hoping some of them would sign at least one. To my surprise, Most of the cast members I met that day signed practically all of them! It was amazing! 


Seeing them up close and personal, a lot of them still looked like how they did back in 2001. It was surreal to see these men, many of which I've watched on TV and in movies for years, in real life. They say that you should never "meet your heroes" but I sure am glad I met them! Unfortunately, however, three of the Hollywood heavyweights that I wanted to meet most of all—Tom Hanks, Micahel Fassbender, and Steen Spielberg—didn't attend the event. I was just about to lost hope that I'll never complete the autographs on my posters when a new miracle happened again! 


This new miracle? A ticket to the Oscars! Well, it's not like I was going inside the Dolby Theater in Hollywood to actually interact with the stars. It was simply a ticket to the audience area during the live red carpet event. Still, the area where my ticket was quite close to the stars so I could've still asked for their autographs. And you bet your ass I did! I was so lucky because, that night, all three of the "Band of Brothers" stars that I didn't get to meet in the reunion were attending that year. 


I first met Steven Spielberg who look far from what I would have thought was an Oscar-winning director! For all his accolades and prestige, he was a simple and humble man. He signed most of my posters when I asked him and was such a kind guy about it! As was Tom Hanks, but then, that was never really a surprise. I've always thought that Hanks was the only guy in Hollywood who was sincerely nice and extremely kind in person. I was so happy that I was right! Michael Fassbender, on the other hand, was suave as fu**! Damn, Alicia Vikander is one lucky woman, that's all I'm gonna say!  


Today, I remain a huge fan of "Band of Brothers" no matter how long it's been or no matter how many amazing shows HBO has produced since then! There will never be anything quite like it, ever! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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