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The Unexpectedly Great Love Team of Seth Rogen and Charlize Theron

Boy, Seth Rogen is really proving to people out there that Average Joes like us deserve happy endings with mega babes too. I initially thought that Katherine Heigle was already a bit of a stretch for him, but now, he's gone way beyond with his latest on-screen partner: Charlize Theron!

But you know what? They actually work well together! There's chemistry there that gives me hope that someday, I'll win a Charlize Theron-type's heart! But for now, I'll settle for her autograph. I got the chance to meet them when they flew all the way to London (I'm an American who's been working here for the past two years) for the international premiere of their film together, “Long Shot." Part of their promotional activities was to guest at an extremely popular talk show here, of which my British friends got us in to see. 

They all even laughed at me that I brought movie posters for the celebrities to sign. Autograph-hounding isn't all that popular on this side of the pond. But when I told them that this could earn us a lot of dough, they volunteered to help. And so, we saw both celebrities yak it up with the host during the filming. We were all surprised by the chemistry between them. These were two totally different actors who've mastered two totally different film genres. Theron as an Oscar, for God's sake! Yet she seemed down-to-earth enough to be in touch down on Rogen's level. Or, maybe Rogen was charming enough to rise up to Theron's level. 

After the show, they met up with a few fans at the stage door of the studio. We all luckily got them to sign our posters. While at the premiere, the rest of the cast signed them as well. Now, I hope the movie received enough success to make these posters more valuable! I certainly loved it! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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