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The Lengths I Took for My Little Sister To Forgive Me!

They say you must work hard for the ones you love. Well, I may have overdid it a little bit a few years ago. I love my younger sister, I really do, but sometimes she can get annoying. And so one time, out of sheer frustration, I refused to drive her to school one day. 

She'd take so long in the bathroom that it pissed the hell out of me. Fortunately, that day, I already showered the night before. I woke up still smelling fresh so I decided to go to my part-time job without taking a shower. Unfortunately for both of us, on the other hand, the day I left her at home to try to catch the bus was the same day she had a huge test. Long story short, she missed the test and almost failed the class because of it. She eventually took it though—after I drove her to school that weekend—and passed the test. 

Still, that wasn't enough for her nor my parents to forgive me. As I expected, I got grounded. And it was only my sister who can say when my punishment will end. So, another long story short, for almost causing my sister to fail her class, I had to earn her forgiveness. 

For weeks it seemed hopeless. I gave her some of my earnings from my job, she didn't forgive me. I drove her to school every single day, she didn't forgive me. I also paid for every movie she saw with her friends and boyfriend, and she still didn't forgive me. My sister really got angry with me because of what happened. Grade are important to her, and she's never been the one to null a punishment over me for so long. After about two months of still being grounded, it dawned on me that I had to do something big to earn her forgiveness. 

One weekend, I did just that! I work at the mall at one of the stores there for my part-time job. At that same mall, during the weekend when my sister had a school trip, Justin Bieber, her favorite singer, just happened to have a meet-and-greet there. He wasn't all that famous yet at the time, but the Bieber-craze was already in full swing then. To earn my sister's forgiveness, I bought a few copies of his poster, waited for about two hours in a line full of teenage and pre-teen girls, and got him to sign them. I almost got fired for what I did, but at that time, it was family over career for me! 

When she got home, she screamed so loud my parents thought we had another fight again. But nope, she came out, tears in her eyes, and started kissing me out of gratitude. Right then and there, in front of my parents, she forgave me. She also gave me some of the posters as a sort of payment for what I did to her. And so now, here they are! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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