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The Headmaster of my Life: J.K. Rowling

I don't care what you think, in my mind, I'm still a student of Hogwarts. I'm a proud member of Hufflepuff and no one can prove to me otherwise. That's how much I love the Harry Potter books and how I'll go over and beyond to meet some of the people in that world. 

One time, I actually did, and that was to meet my superhero, the headmaster of my life, J.K. Rowling. I'm just so in awe of her. she was able to create this world with so much magic and wonder, I always get lost in it. And you can't blame me! once you pick up a book, no matter which one, you'll get instantly hooked! I, admittedly, got obsessed over it during my youth. Okay, I admit... even until now! 

When I heard that J. K. rowling was having a book-signing in a nearby bookshop, I didn't hesitate to get my "Hogwarts School Pride" poster and have her sign it. It's so cool, the poster shows all the symbols of all the houses in the famous magic school. On its iconic coat of arms, one can see the lion of Gryffindor, the snake of Slytherin, the raven of Ravenclaw, and the badger of my school, Hufflepuff. 

Did I care that I had to wait for hours under the scorching sun to see her? No! Did I quiver at the fact that I had to wait amongst teens and kids, most of which were annoying the hell out of me? Nope! Nor did my boyfriend care that I made him carry multiple copies of the poster so J. K. Rowling can sign all of them? Well, maybe a little bit. but he loves me! lol! 

Did I care that I had to wait for hours under the scorching sun to see her? No! Did I quiver at the fact that I had to wait amongst teens and kids, most of which were annoying the hell out of me? Nope! Nor did my boyfriend care that I made him carry multiple copies of the poster so J. K. Rowling can sign all of them? Well, maybe a little bit. but he loves me! lol! Still! I and my beau endured quite a lot just to see this English author who changed our as well as other people's lives. Just meeting her in person and chatting with her a little bit made everything worth it. But her signing our posters? The icing on a very sweet cake! 

Until now I still fangirl over J. K. Rowling. Call me obsessed, I don't care! If there's anyone in this world worth obsessing over, it's her! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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