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That Exciting Time I Got Hellboy's Autograph! 

I've gotten my fair share of autographs as a veteran hound, but I gotta say, getting Hellboy's was pretty special. Not only because I loved the movie and the character has long been one of my favorites. But also because the actor of the 2019 reboot, David Harbour, is about to be big! He's already big with his Netflix series, "Stranger Things," but based on what was revealed during the San Diego Comic-Con 2019, he'll be going places! 

In fact, that's where I actually got to meet him and get him to sign my copies of the poster. And it's a good thing I did too cause I never really thought he'd show up this year. I knew he's been to a couple of Comic-cons before, but they were mostly because he was promoting something. Since "Stranger Things" Season 3 ended, I didn't know if he had any other project to promote in Comic-con this year, so I wrestled whether to bring the posters or not. Thank God I decided to still bring them because, and to all of our surprise, Harbour did attend Comic-con to reveal that's he's cast in the upcoming Black Widow solo movie. Now that will be another poster I'd like him to sign too! 

I eventually met him in a fan meet-up after that now-legendary press conference for the next phase of the MCU. As expected, he was a great guy. Took selfies with fans, signed pretty much everything that was handed to him, and seemed just happy. He didn't even mind that I asked him to sign multiple copies of the same poster! His wrist must have been pretty sore when I got to him. 

I still hope he'll be back for "Stranger Things" though, but at least, with these new announcements, he'll soon be back on the big screen. 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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