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star wars

A Call To "The Mandalorian"

Today's technology is just so amazing, isn't it? Just from a push of a button or a tap on your phone you can already ...

Meeting Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia, and Han Solo in the 21st Century

It's always crazy for me to meet the Star Wars actors of the original trilogy. They, for me, are the faces of the 80s...

How Watching Late-Night Talk Shows Live Got Me Rey's and Kylo Ren's Autographs

I always thought that attending red carpet events was the best way to get autographs. And for the most part, it is. I...

Spending the Afternoon with Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi

My two favorite characters of all time in Star Wars are Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. Their relationship—or ra...

My First Time Attending a Star Wars Premiere

I often wished I was already born during the 1980s. That was, for me, the decade defined by Star Wars. The original t...

Braving A Star Wars Premiere to Get Obi-Wan Kenobi's Autograph 

In all my years autograph-hounding, attending Star Wars premieres will always be the craziest. Though I'm a huge fan,...

Why The Star Wars Prequels Are Still Worth Watching

Perhaps the most notorious of all cinematic prequels (and sequels) are the Star Wars prequels. The first three episod...

The Unconventional Way of Watching Star Wars (First Two Trilogy)

Warning: this article may cause a great disturbance on the force. One of the most argued topics on the galaxy far, fa...

Going on Geek Overdrive For The Final Star Wars Movie

When you're about to watch the final episode of your favorite sci-fi film saga, you can't help but geek out. But when...
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