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Dive into's Celebrity Blog - an unrivaled backstage pass to the stars you love. Uncover the untold stories behind iconic memorabilia, relive cinematic magic, and explore the connections that make the world of celebrity memorabilia so captivating.

ed sheeran

The Two Times I Hung Out with Ed Sheeran

Life is oftentimes funny! Never in a million years did I ever imagine I would be hanging out with one of the biggest ...

My Childhood Crush Who Became The World’s Crush

Life is funny, isn't it? When my brother went to the UK, he made a lot of friends. He's just that friendly type that ...

I Couldn't Help But Stare at Ed Sheeran's Baby Blues

If you'd meet him, you will relate. I've met a good few celebrities having lived in LA, but his eyes have been the mo...

Seeing Ed Sheeran on the Red Carpet

What I love most about living in LA is that I get to attend all sorts of red carpet events. Not that I ever get to go...
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