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So Proud of Mandy Moore Becoming A Disney Princess!

Sorry Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera, but Mandy Moore beat you to it! She became a Disney Princess! A modern one at that! She isn't the type to wait around for a prince to save her! No, she used her prince to escape her tower and venture off into the unknown! 

Throughout her career, Moore went from the girl-next-door pop star to the angelic outsider about to die ("A Walk To Remember"), to the mean girl to another Disney Princess ("Princess Diaries"), to become one herself! Now that's a career! Anyways, I loved that Disney chose her to voice Rapunzel in "Tangled." She has the right mix of femininity and youth that's perfect for the role. And she plated it beautifully as well! 


This is why, out of all the celebrities at the 2011 Academy Awards, Mandy Moore was one of the very few I was excited to see. I knew she was there to perform "I See the Light," which was nominated that night. Seeing her in her glamorous gown that night further convinced me that no one else could have done justice to the role. She really looked like a princess! And kudos to Zachery Levi, who voiced Flynn Rider, and who I mostly knew as "Chuck," for cleaning up good and looking princely himself that night too. 

Before they made their way into the Dolby Digital Theater, I tried to get their autographs. I had to battle countless photographers shouting at them to take their picture. As well as a barrage of equally enthusiastic fans who weren't even there for them in the first place. But after a while, I finally caught up to them and got them to sign my posters. It was a valiant effort on my part, but I still got the princess's autograph on my scroll (of posters). 

Here's to hoping "Tangled" gets a sequel. It's been almost a decade now, what are they waiting for!? 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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