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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters. At Your Service 🛎️

My Fateful Evening with Queen

Sometimes, it's just funny how your day can turn out. There are those coincidences that you'll just laugh at. You'd suddenly have a thought, and before the day is through, that thought will come into fruition in the most unexpected ways. Those are often the best, don't you think?

One of those days happened to me recently. I had a nice afternoon with my girlfriend, who went to my place to, among other things, Netflix and chill. However, we couldn't find anything we wanted to watch on the damn streaming service, so she recommended that we watch "Bohemian Rhapsody." She just downloads the movie and has been begging me to watch it. She knew I'd love it since I've always been a fan of the band. 

Well, she was right (but don't tell her that!)! I loved the film! Now I know why Rami Malek won the Oscar for his performance. He was completely unrecognizable as Freddie Mercury in the movie! I've been a fan of Malik cause I also watch "Mr. Robot" on TV. But when I saw him in this film. it was as if Mercury resurrected from the dead! 

As a result, we spent most of the afternoon listening to Queen on Spotify. My love for the band grew even more after seeing the film. And listening to their classic hits, I forgot just how good these icons really are. Anyways, the fateful part about that day was in the evening. My grandfather wanted me to get him something from the attic. And when I did, I discovered something very interesting indeed. 

By the corner, under a pile of my old comic books, I saw a deck of posters all rolled together in one tube. When I got them out, I almost fell through the floor of the attic all the way to my grandparents' room underneath! These posters were Queen posters—many copies of the same poster but I didn't care—which all bore autographs from the band members themselves! I was flabbergasted! 

I asked my grandad who they belonged to and he told me that my Uncle Fred, who died before I was born, got those autographs on the posters himself. Like Mercury, he died of aids too, so in his memory, they safeguarded and hid the posters in the attic. I asked him if I could get the posters myself and sell them online and he said yes! 

So now, this platform has these signed Queen posters. All of which are courtesy of my dear uncle. In honor of him, Freddie Mercury, and the rest of the victims of aids, I hope anyone who buys one of these posters will proudly show it off in their homes! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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