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How I Found Out My Dad was Cool Back Then

You never really know someone until you go through their stuff. Growing up, I've always thought my dad was this strict and sort of stuck up man. He was a loving father, yes, but he would sometimes be brutally tough on us too. I'd never imagine he ever had any fun in his life. 

That was, until, one day when I rummaged through our storage space near the garage. I needed to find some old embroidery that my grandmother kept for my fashion project. After searching for hours for them, I continued looking through the old stuff cause many of them piqued my interest. I saw my mom's old yearbook, my brother's baby clothes, and the like. But it was a collection of posters that really got me curious. 

I saw, with my very own eyes, a bunch of posters of "Woodstock 1994" in our storage space. Now, I may be a millennial and all, but I know that Woodstock has always been a historic event in music history. Not just the first, but the 25th and 30th-anniversary festivals as well.  And those who signed the posters were no joke either. The autographs came from the likes of Country Joe McDonald, Carlos Santana, Graham Nash, David Crosby, and more! 

Yes, I know who they are! But the bigger question in my mind was, who in my family was able to meet all of these legends? I asked my parents who they belonged to and I was shocked with the answer. It was my dad! My own father, who was so strict, actually went to Woodstock 1994 and met all these rockstars! He said that at the time, he was still young and foolish, hence he hid the posters when my brother was born. 

Being the negative nancy that he is, he told me to give all the posters away. Fortunately, I managed to convince him to let me keep one in my room. And now, the rest are on this website. Thanks to my dad, other Woodstock fans can get a piece of history now! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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