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Zooming with The Cast of "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City"

I just love how a pandemic can't even stop me from getting autographs. I mean, I know I'm a legit autograph hound but when I got a stack of posters signed without even leaving my home, it was as if I stepped up to a whole new level. I was so proud of myself! 

The posters in question were of "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City," the latest film from the famous video game franchise. The cast included Kaya Scodelario, Robbie Amell, Avan Jogia, Hannah John-Kamen, Tom Hopper, and more. I work for an online media company and during their press junket for the movie, we were able to interview them. And yes, it was all in Zoom. By that point in the pandemic, we were already used to this sort of format and we were glad that most of the actors are young enough to understand how Zoom works. Some movie legends... not so much! Hahaha! 

Anyway, interviewing them was a piece of cake. Not only did things go smoothly, tech-wise, but their answers were great, their energy was great, and they were a joy to talk to. By this point, you're already wondering how the hell I was able to get their autographs when I only met them through Zoom, right? Calm down, I'm getting there! 

The truth was I had some help. My buddy was part of the movie's PR team and when this Zoom interview happened, I sent him a DM asking for this huge favor. The favor was, of course, to ask the cast of "Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City" for their autographs. My friend already planned to give me a whole stack of them but when I finally got to"meet" (digitally, anyway) them, I decided that getting their autographs would be even better. "Aww come on! I knew you'd do this you motherfu**er!" My buddy said in frustration. Thank God we were tight because I wouldn't have pulled this off if he was just an acquaintance. 

Although he didn't promise that'd he'd do it, he said he'd see what he can do. Beggars can't be choosers so I waited patiently for around a month before I received the posters in the mail. The package came with a note which said, "Here you go you stupid f**k!" and I just knew that it was a message full of love. Hahaha! I also knew that it was a sign that he really did do it. With a bated breath, I opened the package and saw that each and every poster was signed. Damn, he is amazing! 

So yeah, even though I bragged at the start of this post about getting autographs even in a pandemic, the credit really belongs to my buddy. However, as an autograph hound, let my story teach you that in this line of work (call it a profession, a hobby, a pastime—I don't care), connections are everything! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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