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Witnessing Real-Life Elvish Beauty at The Oscars

Out of all the actors cast in both the "Lord of the Rings" and "The Hobbit" film franchises, the best actor cast, in terms of appearance, was Liv Tyler as Arwen. As a huge fan of the novels, Arwen was said to be the complete likeness of Luthien, the most beautiful elf who ever lived. 

When I saw Liv Tyler on the red carpet at the Oscars, I saw just how much a knock-out she really is. She's still beautiful now—she even seems like she never ages—but when I saw her in real life for the first time, I was instantly blown away. Peter Jackson aced this casting. On-screen, whenever she was there, I couldn't get my eyes off her. The same could be said when I and my friends went to the Oscars that night as well. 

Sure, I fanboyed over Elijah Wood, Viggo Mortensen, Orlando Bloom, and Sir Ian McKellen. But when I saw Liv Tyler in person, my jaw dropped to the floor and I was completely gobsmacked. I've never seen such ethereal beauty in all my life. 

She really was (and in my heart, still is) Arwen! I was so blown away that I almost didn't get her to sign my “Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers” posters (incidentally, the movie won ‘Best Picture’ that night!). Good thing my buddy knocked some sense into me! 

One more thing, Andy Serkis is really a cool guy! I met him at the Oscars as well. Though he had to play my least favorite character in the franchise, he himself is a stand-up guy. He also deserved an Oscar for his performance. Why he didn't, I'll never understand! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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