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Certified Authentic, Celebrity-Signed Posters.

The Cool Cast of "The Lorax"

I swear I don't think I've ever seen a cooler cast than that of "The Lorax" film. Taylor Swift? Zac Efron? Danny DeVito? Willow Smith? and Betty White? All of them are cool to the max! They're high school quarterback and head cheerleader kind of cool but in a good way! 

I saw them during the movie's premiere and damn! This was a nice-looking cast! Taylor Swift, with her long and lean body, looked like a supermodel out there. My little sister, who I went to this movie premiere for, told me she looked like a Barbie doll come to life. And she (my sister) squealed, it only meant one thing: she saw Zac Efron. Granted, he really is handsome and charismatic in person, he's just a little short. I don't know, I like my Hollywood hunks—the "Gods" who are supposed to set the standard of attractiveness for us normal guys—to be taller. 

So while my sis fangirled over Zac Efron, and to an extent, Willow Smith, I fanboyed over Danny DeVito! "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" is one of my favorite shows, so seeing him was the best part of the whole night for me. Yeah, he's short too, but at least he made it work for him. It became his selling point and I love that about him! Even when I scooched down a bit so he could sign my posters, I still felt he was ten feet taller than me. That's how much I respect the guy! 

And finally, Betty White. A living Hollywood legend! With countless TV and movie starring roles, no one in the cast comes close to this icon. And I felt it when she signed my posters. I knew, just being in her presence, that I was int he same stratosphere as someone really special! Protect this woman at all costs! 

That was my red carpet premiere experience. It’s a shame “The Lorax” didn’t garner that much recognition. With such a cast, and an adorable plot to boot, I thought it was gold! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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