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Letting My Hair Down with Green Day

I have a hard time having fun! It sounds weird, no? But that's the plain truth. I'm not stuck up, per se, but rather I was raised in a way that doesn't let me let loose all the time. I've always felt pressure to always be at my best. But not when I listen to Green Day! 

So when I went to a Green Day concert, it was simply the best day. I put on my best outfit, let my hair down, and rocked out all night with my favorite band. Billie Joe Armstrong looked so handsome, even with all the makeup he wore on-stage. Mike Dirnt, on the other hand, looked his best in many years now. Both of them are my favorites, and I'm so glad I got to see them in person. 

Little did I know, however, that I wasn't going to just see them on-stage. I was actually going backstage after the concert to see them up close. It was a surprise they saved up until the finale of the concert. They wanted to tell me then cause they thought that had they told me before the concert, I'd spend the time worrying about what to say. 

After the concert, my older cousin, who knew one of the band's managers, led me backstage and I finally say them in person. I even got a selfie with both Armstrong and Dimt. And as a bonus birthday gift, they gave me a stack of autographed posters. I was on such a high that night, I won't be surprised if my friends told me that I fainted right then and there. Because honestly, for now, my memory of meeting them is hazy. That's how starstruck I was. 

It was the best birthday ever! One that I'll definitely never forget! One, because I met Green Day in person. And second, I learned to finally have fun and be free! That's what life is all about! 


Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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