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My Luckiest Day with A Rockstar

It's crazy how makeup and the right attitude can change a man. For years, I've listened to, in my opinion, the most iconic rock band in music history: KISS. You probably know them for their famous black and white face paint look. But when you meet at least one of the members in person, you'll realize there's more to them than meets the eye. 

I can certainly say this confidently since I've met one of them in person. And it was none other than Gene Simmons himself. That's right! The man, the myth, and the absolute legend. I'm still wondering what I did in my past life that I could be so lucky in this one. It's one thing to see this definition of a rock star on stage, but it's a whole other matter when you see him up close and personal. Not to say that I was all up in his personal space or whatnot, but I did get pretty close to him. 

There he was, sitting in a restaurant with a couple of bodyguards. His famous scraggly hair was as unruly as ever and while he didn't don his usual black-and-white face (obviously!), he was still every inch the rockstar that I knew him to be. He wasn't even doing anything. Just eating his food and minding his own business. He knew the entire place was looking at him but did he care? He sure did effing not! Gene Simmons didn't have a care in the world. A true mark of a real rock star! 

Remember when I told you that I got lucky? That someone up there probably likes me? Well, this "chance encounter" happened right after I purchased high-quality Gene Simmons posters. It's a close-up image of the rock legend doing his signature tongue wag. It's pretty badass if I do say so myself. Little did I know that the restaurant I chose to have lunch in would be the very same that this icon would walk into. It's as if it was a sign from the heavens! And took that sign and went with it. 

Despite how intimidating his bodyguards looked, I didn't give a flying fudge. After he finished his dessert and right before he asked for his check, I went up to his booth and asked for his autograph. Was I scared shitless? Abso-effing-lutely! I was ready to get kicked out, either by his bodyguards or by the restaurant's management. It was as if I ruined the mood by being so tacky and expected. But I didn't care. I shoot my shot and hoped for the best. 

When I did that, my luck got me again. Fortunately, Gene Simmons was in a good mood. He didn't take offense that an overeager fan like me had the audacity to ask for his autograph. Perhaps it was because I showed him the posters I just bought. When he looked at it, I swear I saw a faint smile! And when I handed him a pen, he took it, signed every single one of my posters, and practically ignored me since his check had arrived. What did I tell you? Gene Simmons is a rock star! 

Even without these signed Gene Simmons posters, the memory of that afternoon is still vivid in my mind. It felt like the luckiest day of my life and I'll remember it until I die of over-listening to KISS's music! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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