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Meeting "The Witcher" Himself

As far as TV adaptations of video games go, "The Witcher" is the best of them all. It's true to the game, the actors are great, and the story remains riveting all throughout! I admit, I was apprehensive about it at first, but the trailers and press releases piqued my interest so much that I just had to meet the cast! 


Without any hesitation, I traveled all the way to Los Angeles to attend The Witcher Fan Experience and get myself some autographs. Since the cast was there to talk about the show, I also wanted to hear how well they understood the characters. These are characters I've played and loved for a long time. As a huge fan of the game, I wanted to understand why these actors were chosen to play them and how well they knew them at heart. Only then will I be comfortable enough to watch the show on Netflix. 


Right off the bat, Henry Cavill blew me away with his knowledge of the game and characters. I even think he's as big a fan (or possibly bigger!) of the game as I am! I was amazed! For a guy that good-looking and jacked to be a gamer? It's like he's some sort of woman's fantasy man come-to-life. And having seen some clips of him on the show, I have to say he really does take it to heart. I was so impressed. Meeting him in person, he no longer appeared as "Superman" to me. From then on, he was and always will be "The Witcher." 


I admit I was most hesitant about Anya Chalotra as Yennefer. As beautiful as she is, the actress looks farthest from her video game character. However, after listening to how much she researched and invested time and effort to get to know the character, I was impressed. Looks aside, I felt that there were strength and toughness to her that'd make her perfect for the role. Clips of her performance didn't convince me well enough as Cavill's did, but perhaps I just needed to watch the show to really judge how well she'll do as Yennefer. With that said, she was generous with her autographs though! 


Finally, there was the adorable Freya Allan as Ciri. Now this girl, upon first glance, I immediately knew she'd be perfect as Ciri. And watching clips of her online, I say she really has the character down pat. And damn! She really looks like a fairy up close. Seeing her almost gave me goosebumps! Like she's from another world or something! The other cast members were good-looking, yeah, but Allan was just ethereal. I hope that, if Peter Jackson will make another J. R. R. Tolkien adaptation movie, he'll cast her as an elf. That'd be perfect! 


That night, I met a few more of the cast members of "The Witcher" and got their autographs but it was really those three leads that stood out to me. I'm now more excited than ever before for the 2nd season! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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