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Finding "The Lost City of Z" With The Stars

In an exotic city that glistens and shines, one they call 'Los Angeles,' I discovered "The Lost City of Z." Lol! Wouldn't it be so epic if I really did discover an ancient city that not even the best archeologists know about? Haha! Unfortunately, I didn't "The Lost City of Z" I'm talking about is the 2017 movie! 

Starring big-named superstars like Charlie Hunnam, Sienna Miller, Robert Pattinson, and Tom Holland, it was my most exciting trip to LA ever! I live in San Francisco so I go to Los Angeles every once and a while. It helps that my sister moved there ages ago so I have a place to stay. But even though the city is practically my second home, I was never a girl that was into the show biz stuff. I liked movies and TV and all that, but I wasn't a huge fan! 

However, when my big sis got tickets to go to the red carpet premiere of "The Lost City of Z," I just had to come with! I mean, I'll get to see celebs and all that! Even though I wasn't a crazy stan or something like that, seeing actually stars in person still thrilled me nonetheless. I even met Drew Barrymore one time in a salon by Beverly Hills! But that's a different story entirely! Anyway, since this move starred a couple of hotties, I was so game! 

As you see on TV, red carpet premieres really are loud, lively, and flashy. And by flashy, I mean the seizure-inducing flashes of the photogs who were screaming bloody murder to the stars. Damn, if I were a celeb, I'd get pissed getting screamed at just for a photo! Thank God I'm not! But I also have to admit, it was fun! My sis and I copped a few copies of the movie poster hoping to get them signed. Eventually, we did and it was insane! 

The first cast member we met was Sienna Miller who was so pretty! I mean, holy crap! She is stunning! She looked phenomenal and I know she's older then me, but her vibe was so me, I'm sure had she been in my school, we would've been BFFs! No doubt! She was so nice too! She signed a lot of our posters even though she could have just signed one and be done with it. In fact, it wasn't for her, I'm sure the others wouldn't have signed multiple posters from us as well. So thank goodness for Sienna Miller! 


The three leading men: Charlie Hunnam, Robert Pattinson, and Tom Holland, followed after Sienna Miller. Well, first it was Pattinson, then Hunnam, and then my baby Holland! They passed by one by one that it was overwhelming, One hot guy after another? Yass please! I remember thinking that Rob (Pattinson) looked more handsome in person than he did on TV. I'm sorry but "Twilight" ruined him for me. But seeing him in real life fized it right back! 

Hunnam, on the other hand, was such a hunk! My big sis was so smitten, I swear she was oglng him the whole time. I was surprise she didn't pounce on him while he was signing our posters. And finally, my only Spider-Man, Tom Holland. He may be shorter than me but he's so hella cute, I don't mind. And that accent? Whew! I love him so much and I was so happy that he was as much a sweetheart in person as he is in movies and on TV! 

We got the rest of the cast of "The Lost City of Z" to sign our psoters too but for me, those four stars were the ones that really struck me! I'll never forget them even though I'm sure they've already forgotten me! Lol! 

Please note: Our inventory is limited as we may have only received a few posters in total. Most of our items are obtained from film premieres, studios, and from autographed hounds such as the one in the story above.

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